Here are the games currently in production:
Zombie Massacre: New York -
The sequel to Space Piggy!
Wabbabee Run -
Run! Run for your life!
Senor Sprite Guy -
Probably the only decapitated mouse game ever.
Mini Game Game -
Can you win 20 mini-games?
Temporal -
A time-bending platformer!
Zombie Massacre: New York -
The sequel to Space Piggy!
Wabbabee Run -
Run! Run for your life!
Senor Sprite Guy -
Probably the only decapitated mouse game ever.
Mini Game Game -
Can you win 20 mini-games?
Temporal -
A time-bending platformer!
Sandbox -
A sand based game that's simply, eplosive.
Piggy's Nostalgic Adventure -
Piggy rips off several games in this adventure!
"Nate's game" -
Probably the most intricate and fun game EVER!
"The New Two" -
A "mystery game" from EpicPunnum and Master Sfa (1 ea.)...
Space Hippo -
Sanitation blasts off to new heights! *Hippo sound*
Keep staying tuned, as we will keep adding games. We will appreciate any game makers to increase our productivity. If you are a game designer, tell us of any games in production. If you would like to be a game designer, request so on the forums. Just e-mail us some of your work. We'd appreciate any new programmers to Punnum Sfa Studios!