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Yoyoyo anyone who may check out the site and/or is bored:
NEWS FLASH! Punnum Sfa Studios has taken the time to start drawing for the comics. And for a heads up notice: There will be two conjoined series coming: Punnum (written and drawn by yours truly) and Sfa (produced by MasterSfa). Keep in mind that these are not acronyms and should be pronounced as seen. Also keep in mind that that these are no ... Read more » |
[size=12][color=red] Hi its Nate here! im currently in the dev. stage of making a new web comic called Nerd Story, which follows the lives of 4 gamers of whom discover a world within a old factory in the Old Port. i will provide updates over the time of making it and i am also open to any ideas from you, our fans here at Punnum Sfa Studios. Stay tuned!
-Nate [your awesome overlord] |
Nothing new game-wise. I haven't gotten in any new work, and I personally doubt MasterSfa has either. We've gone artistic! Sfa's been working on the first comic, while I've worked up the nerve to finish site design - hence the gnome picture on the banner. Pixel art to come, and I'm contemplating a webcomic. Hmm...I wonder what's next...? What's the pixel art for? Webcomic? What'll it be called? Will it be as delayed as the comics? Banner. Yes. I dunno. Probably.
Until next time. <3 |
Well I've searched everywhere and I can't find my SD Card. Yes, the SD Card that was used when my computer crashed to save all of my games. Luckily I kept a copy of the Nate Game, but aside from that, I just lost a good chunk of in-progress games. So in the Soon to come section, I shall appropriately mark lost games in red. As much as I hate to say it, I makes my life easier.
Summer is winding down yet again, and for oncec we actually got some stuff done, well, not with The Nate Game. We forgot about it when we made up some new projects. I'll try to get back on it, but all thats left are boss fights, finalizing designs, and cutscenes, which are all boring as hell and just plain WORK. In other news, I recently updated the big picture on the top o' the site, so I'd like to hear what anyone thinks. If you need to compare it to the old then click
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Okay, so many games on the way, i didn't even bother trying to keep track. Now adding another two (thats right 2) games into our giant hole of games on the way. We are in fact making this hole of upcoming games deeper all the time and at this rate we'll probably dig a hole to china before we finish all these, but yeah, two (I know it's amazing!) games on the way.
Attachments: Image 1
I have notified the Ucoz servers about this dilema and I am pleased to announce that Punnum Sfa Studios is perfectly safe (as far as I know, I only have Norton Antivirus). If you find any defunct files that cause your computer to send out a warning, let us know, and we will vow to help make it better! As for now, enjoy the virus-free-ness of Punnum Sfa Studios!
PLEASE READ: If you have visited this site (the original punnumsfa.ucoz.co.uk, not the punnumsfastudios.tk version) and recieved a warning from a Norton Antivirus or any similar antivirus software that our site is unsafe, I assure you that it is not. I (using Norton) checked a full report of the safety. Because Punnum Sfa Studios is currently hosted by www.ucoz.co.uk, any site on their servers are ultimately connected (so www.ping.ucoz.co.uk is on the same server as www.pong.ucoz.co.uk).
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News: We at Punnum Sfa Studios are digging a deeper hole for ourselves. Not only are we working on the 3 most revolutionary games (The Nate Game, "My amazing shooting game", and "MasterSfa's mysterious title"), but we had a wave of good ideas come over us. You may have noticed that MasterSfa unveiled Captain Cactus and his Marvelous Bubble Adventure a month or so ago, but also in the course of a few days, he began another game - nicknamed SAMS - and trashed it before starting a new and more crea
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Okay, we lied. We're stinky liars. The Nate Game will not be relaesed for a long while. We undershot what it should take, and so we set a new deadline: September...ish. Considering that our work and social time has been cut by a good amount, we could not complete the Nate Game. So instead, we offer to you a second demo! Click here or go to the download section to check it
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